Funny Stories
Two storys from the world of local televison. A sportscaster and his necktie in "Hey, Nice Tie" and the behind the scenes fun of A Christmas Parade.
Have you ever had a funny, strange, or bad experience during a summer job? Here are a few
such stories. Including..Green Side Up, The Exploding Cow, and Tipsy Ted.
Hot Fun In The Summertime: Memorable
Summer Jobs
Are you sitting in your dorm room right now crusin' the 'net via T1? Or maybe you're
someone who remembers Fortran and buying punch cards at the college bookstore.
With the arrival of Fall and students heading back to school we introduce our new feature Back To School - Back To .Edu. Send in your memorable College stories or pranks to share with the world.
To start us out...What are some of the beer soaked secrets of fraternity hell week? Find out during Slosh Night. Every campus has it's share of God's great gift to women. What if one of these Don Juans had a little problem with his phone machine in Voice Fe-Mail Problems.
Back To School - Back To .Edu
What's it like to visit the world's largest computer convention? Steve Kremer found out when he visited COMDEX Fall '96. Read about some of his humorous experiences in...
Fall '96 COMDEX: Computer Madness
Three true stories from Halloween, the
time of year for Ghosts and Goblins to roam the countryside. I don't mean politicians out
looking for votes...but the real apparitions that have haunted many. For your consideration...True Ghost Stories
bottom include
Updated Sun.
March 10, 2002 |
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